

发布时间: 2024-05-17 07:52:22北京青年报社官方账号





As time goes by, ancient books suffer wear and tear and, in the worst situations, are damaged by worms and/ or gnawed by rats. What can be done to save such valuable books? Ancient-book restorers are able to solve the problem. Zhao Ling, who works at Hangzhou Public Library, is an expert in repairing ancient books. She puts much effort into repairing "weak" ancient books, so they can regain their beauty and be passed on to future generations. Zhao has oft been referred to as a person who "rescues history."


As the VR industry is heating up in China, the cutting-edge technology was recently adopted in many aspects in culture and tourism.


As the virus spreads, it has emerged that a number of West African countries, such as Senegal and Sierra Leone, are using lessons and community health systems set up after Ebola swept through the region in 2014 to fight coronavirus.


As the annual sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference kick off, legislators and political advisers are expected to continue making constructive contributions to improving governmental policies in diverse fields and play a vital role in the country's social and economic governance.


As the country has been promoting supply-side reforms, speeding up mergers and acquisitions and trimming excess capacity for the healthy development of the Chinese steel industry, the country's top steel-maker China Baowu Steel Group said on Aug 22 it would take a controlling stake in Shanxi-based stainless steel giant Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co, to facilitate the giant's goal of producing 100 million metric tons of steel every year.


